
October 29, 2019

Agencies work “Better Together” to Promote Father Inclusion


On Friday, October 4th, representatives from more than a dozen state agencies and public service institutions met for the third time to investigate ways to collaboratively develop and sustain policies, programs and practices that promote father inclusion. Under the banner “Better Together,” this series of meetings was funded by a mini planning grant from the Fatherhood Research and Practice Network and administered by the SC Center for Fathers and Families.

An action plan was developed to summerize the group’s activities which includes assessment of current public agency policies, challenges including funding and accessibility, and next steps. The group will continue to meet as small work groups targeting specific issues such as funding sources and community engagement opportunities, and collectively to advance this initiative

Participating partners include SC First Steps, SC Foster Care Review Board, SC Department of Corrections, SC Department of Education, SC Department of Employment and Workforce, SC State Library, SC Department of Social Services, Family Solutions of the Lowcountry, SC Commission on Minority Affairs, Childrens Trust of SC, Carolina Family Engagement Center, SC Commission on Prosecution Coordination, Community Health Work Institute (USC), and SC Departmen of Probation, Pardon and Parole Services, and Midlands Fatherhood Coalition.


Photo: Andrea Heyward (L), Arnold School of Public Health at USC, Community Health Worker Institute and Lamikka Purvis, Family Solutions of the Low Country – Family Services of the Lowcountry